Black Gold 25 Ltr Bag

Black Gold 25 Ltr Bag


Like ‘Mothers Milk for Plants’! ‘Black Gold’ is your plant growing SuperFood that will literally transform your soil!

Perfect for your veggie patch, tub gardens, fruit trees, flower beds and all your ornamentals like camellia’s and roses.

We produce a limited vintage every year that’s especially delivered from 'our farm gate to you’ in Sydney and, by special arrangement, to the Blue Mountains and the Central Coast. 

And in the spirit of Covid-19 kindness, we are also delivering a free ‘gift' bag to a neighbour whose spirits you'd like to lift!

Don’t miss out! Book ahead and order yours today!

Learn More about soil science

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About Black Gold

You can use ‘Black Gold’ to prepare new soil before planting out, regenerate old soils, side-dress vegetables and flowers, supercharge transplants, make incredible potting mix and even brew  ‘compost tea’ for liquid feeding and foliar sprays that help prevent and treat foliar diseases.

During the growing season ‘Black Gold’ castings are the perfect side dressing, boosting growth at critical times when plants need more available nitrogen and other growth promoting nutrients to optimise their potential.  ‘Black Gold’ is ‘the difference that makes the difference’ to your soil health, humus development and plant growth. 

Why Black Gold is So Good!

To produce ‘Black Gold’ we feed our worms a ‘whole food’ diet crafted for nutrient density and the maximum growth of diverse bacterial and fungal communities essential to soil health. As this decomposing matter passes through the worm's digestive system it is colonised by 10-20x more beneficial microorganisms than their dietary intake. The mucus secretions of our little worm ‘bio-factories’ provide more concentrated nutrition and microbial diversity than any other compost you can buy.
The resulting bio-rich output (inclusive of live worms and/or worm eggs) is our premium, high potency ‘Black Gold’ whole bio-active worm castings.‘Black Gold’ naturally contains concentrated communities of worms, valuable bacteria, fungi, protozoa, growth-promoting hormones, fulvic and humic acids, enzymes and other bioactive substances that improve germination and plant vigor and fertility.
The robust biology of ‘Black Gold’ boosts plant-available nutrients and activates soil life, increasing plant health, growth, resilience and higher yields. ‘Black Gold’ worm castings build soil structure, suppress disease, improve aeration and moisture retention while fostering a complex web of microbial life to create vibrant, bio-activated, humus rich, soil that’s full of life.

3L ‘Black Gold’ - Ordering Information

Every garden is uniquely designed and planted, so ordering the exact amount can be a bit of a ‘best guess’ affair for everyone! Discussing quantities for your particular garden with Wendy prior to ordering is a good way to arrive at your closest guesstimate.You can call her now 1300 360 357.

3L ‘Black Gold’ Domestic Shipping Information

  • For the most competitive shipping fee for our clients, our shipping partner services are co-ordinated through TransDirect and we are usually able to ship within 7 days of receiving your order

  • Before finalising your order online, you can nominate your delivery destination for a shipping quote

  • Once your order is processed/dispatched, you will receive a tracking number(s) which you can use to track your goods.

If you need assistance with your shipping, you are most welcome to contact Wendy at any time. She is here to help.

‘Black Gold’ - Application Instructions

‘Black Gold’ performs best when it’s gently worked into the soil and kept moist.

Perennial Flowers, Berries, Trees & Shrubs

  • At Transplant: depending on the size of the transplant specimen add 1/5 - 2 litres into the soil at the bottom of the planting hole before planting.

  • For Maintaining Growth: depending on the size of the plants in the garden, work 1/5 - 6 litres into the soil around the base of the plant and mulch over top. Ideally apply in Winter, Spring and Summer.

Seedlings & Potting Mixes

  • For potting mixes without compost: blend 20% of the total volume

  • For potting mixes with compost: blend at 10% of the total volume

Annual Flowers & Vegetables

  • For direct sowing, line the seed furrow 2.5cm deep with ‘Black Gold' and work into the soil.

  • When transplanting, add 50 - 100 mls into the transplant hole and work into the soil.

  • For a mid-season side-dressing, work 150 - 250mls of ‘Black Gold’ into the soil around the base of the plant, or 250mls per 30cm of growing row. Side-dress every 1-2 months for awesome growing results.

Potted Plants & Hanging Baskets

  • For Maintenance: apply 2cm of ‘Black Gold’ worm castings to the top of the planter every 2 months, cover with a blanket of lucerne mulch and gently water in over the next week.

  • For Re-potting: blend into the potting mix at 15% volume

‘Black Gold’ Tea

Brewing up a batch of ‘Black Gold’ tea is an excellent way to dramatically increase populations of beneficial organisms. You can :

  • Water it in at the base of the plant to encourage strong root growth & enhance the bioactivity in the soil

  • Use it as a foliar spray to suppress foliage diseases and provide nutrient uptake directly through the leaves

  • Activate your home garden compost pile or composting toilet

You can turn 2 litres of worm castings into 8 litres of compost tea with this simple recipe :

  • 8 litres of dechlorinated water. If you are using tap water, you’ll need to remove the chlorine or it will kill the bacteria you are trying to grow. You can dechlorinate your tap water easily by filling a bucket and leaving it in the sun for a few days!

  • 2 litres of ‘Black Gold’ worm castings

  • 2 Tablespoons of unsulphured molasses (agricultural grade will do). All molasses produced in Australia is ‘unsulphured’

  • Combine 8 litres of room temperature dechlorinated water with 2 litres of ‘Black Gold’ worm castings and stir rigorously

  • Whisk the mixture or aerate with a pump or to add oxygen

  • When it starts to bubble add the tablespoon of unsulphured molasses

  • Brew your ‘Black Gold Tea for 3 days in a warm room (19c degrees) and whisk the mixture several times daily for 2-3days. Using a pump to keep the brew aerated also works a treat.

  • Before harvesting, let the sediment settle to the bottom of the bucket for half and hour

  • Pour the liquid off into another bucket through a fine (pantyhose) sieve

  • Dilute with a further 8 litres of dechlorinated water and use it on the same day

  • If you do have brew left over, and to prevent the brew from becoming anaerobic, add more molasses and stirring (or pumping!) to keep all those healthy microbes well fed and oxygenated.

A Note On Natives & Succulents :

  • Australian native Lilly Pilly & Murraya hedge rows both enjoy and benefit from a moderate feed of ‘Black Gold’. Topically apply 3litres per bush around the root zone, lightly dig in and mulch. Mix 1litre into planting hole soil prior to planting and apply 1litre over the surface soil of the hedgerows then lightly dig in and mulch.

  • Generally speaking, most other Australian natives need very little in the way of added nutrients.

  • Succulents thrive very well on very little! Applying additional nutrients is not recommended.

    *All of our ‘garden goodness’ products are ‘food growing’ quality suitable for the whole garden including native Lilly Pilly and Murraya hedges. In half doses, they are also suitable for native gardens but not recommended for succulents.