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Like ‘Mothers Milk for Plants’!

100% Whole BioActive Worm Castings.

Living Soil Booster for thriving plants, food cropping and pasture improvement that transforms your soil!

‘Black Gold’ is ‘the difference that makes the difference’ to your soil health, humus development and plant growth.

You can call Wendy now on 1300 360 357 to discuss volumes and pricing for bulk quantities for domestic, commercial, horticultural and agricultural applications.

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About Black Gold

You can use ‘Black Gold’ to prepare new soil before planting out, regenerate old soils, side-dress vegetables and flowers, supercharge transplants, make incredible potting mix and even brew  ‘compost tea’ for liquid feeding and foliar sprays that help prevent and treat foliar diseases.

During the growing season ‘Black Gold’ castings are the perfect side dressing, boosting growth at critical times when plants need more available nitrogen and other growth promoting nutrients to optimise their potential.  ‘Black Gold’ is ‘the difference that makes the difference’ to your soil health, humus development and plant growth. 

Why Black Gold is So Good!

To produce ‘Black Gold’ we feed our worms a ‘whole food’ diet crafted for nutrient density and the maximum growth of diverse bacterial and fungal communities essential to soil health. As this decomposing matter passes through the worm's digestive system it is colonised by 10-20x more beneficial microorganisms than their dietary intake. The mucus secretions of our little worm ‘bio-factories’ provide more concentrated nutrition and microbial diversity than any other compost you can buy.
The resulting bio-rich output (inclusive of live worms and/or worm eggs) is our premium, high potency ‘Black Gold’ whole bio-active worm castings.‘Black Gold’ naturally contains concentrated communities of worms, valuable bacteria, fungi, protozoa, growth-promoting hormones, fulvic and humic acids, enzymes and other bioactive substances that improve germination and plant vigor and fertility.
The robust biology of ‘Black Gold’ boosts plant-available nutrients and activates soil life, increasing plant health, growth, resilience and higher yields. ‘Black Gold’ worm castings build soil structure, suppress disease, improve aeration and moisture retention while fostering a complex web of microbial life to create vibrant, bio-activated, humus rich, soil that’s full of life.